I can be contacted at pc84@hushmail.com and ebabicheckups@icloud.com from Dec 1, 2018 through Dec 25, 2018
-Dr. Pamela
Announcing "Destination Professional Trainings" in Bali, Indonesia, this December of 2018!
The topic will be an introduction to EmotionalBabyCheckups and Developmentally-Targeted Dyadic Therapy, contemporary emotional health services to address the vital needs of infants, toddlers and their caregivers. This 8-10 hour training is open to clinicians, researchers and graduate students in developmental psychology, and to licensed clinical psychologists and those on-trek to such licensure. Select other disciplines will be included, so please do inquire if you are a professional or institution who desires knowledge about these services. Of the three Bali trainings in December of 2018, one is scheduled for the 24th! Bali was selected as the Destination because of its culture's high esteem for babies. Bali is an enchanted destination site that can accommodate most all budgets and a global audience.